Bank card program for travel and expenses, aimed at clubs, organizations or sports promoters who show interest in participating with us, whether they are workers, affiliates or VIPs.
New opportunity
Between 2007 and 2024, various studies have revealed that the majority of civil society organizations invest significant resources to establish themselves with strength and determination. However, after a year of operation, many of these organizations dissolve as nonprofit entities. Why is this happening? Our studies indicate that the main cause is the lack of internal resources necessary to cover its operating expenses. Furthermore, most volunteers are not willing to commit to long-term social work. In many cases, only the founders remain active, facing arduous, time-consuming tasks. Family pressure also increases due to lack of resources at home. Unfortunately, banks do not lend money to these nonprofits, and governments do not offer support if the organization does not present evidence of its impact. To generate that evidence, funding is needed, and it is common that some people do not want to donate without receiving something in return.
In summary, our studies reveal that our organization has also been a victim of this same situation. After almost 18 years of fighting to prosper, in 2023 we have developed a solution that can benefit other organizations seeking greater longevity. However, determination and objectivity are still needed to move forward. Therefore, in collaboration with our banks, which socially support non-profit organizations and recognizing our good credit history, we present this opportunity.
According to the program policy, if you are part of a sports club, you can benefit from a travel bank card and a letter of financial solvency, if required, with an amount ranging from $950 to $10,000 per month, for an annual yrs, If you do not continue working, the second subsidy can be obtained through online purchases.
The first three people who are part of the legal document of the club or organization must join as VIP members with a single fee of $270 for one year, which includes 13 benefit services and a gift tablet for the institution.
These first three people will benefit from these cards to cover their hotel and plane ticket expenses with an average discount of 15% to 90%, in addition to a joint financial solvency letter. The club must do the following:
In the first option #1, a donation exchange plan is proposed by inviting another 30 to 90 clubs as VIP participants.
Second option #2: A donation sale was made, instead, of 30 to 90 tablets, which have a donation cost of $180 dollars for the public, with shipping from the United States.
The third option #3: Sell 70 to 90 perfumes, instead, as a donation, to support the team of these three people on the board of directors.
Note: All other people in the club or organization should join with a registration as a VIP participant, with an annual contribution of $270 dollars, with a gift tablet or 5 perfumes. And their expenses will be borne by each participant who is not part of a legal document of an institution. If any additional document is required, they should be part of the group of promoters.
Remuneration: All promoters who achieve a goal from any of the indicated options will receive a salary of $450 to $950 US dollars, depending on their countries, or 10% if it is less than our needs. A fixed schedule is not necessary during the first three months.
How to register as a VIP member
click this link:,
Where to contact us? 52-664-616-8382, USA, 1 (857) 288-059
Our Facebook link